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Keyser Soze (Andrey Pastushenko) - tunes

Keyser Soze

name: Andrey Pastushenko
group: Color of Magic

location: Vladivostok, Russia
specialization: music

activity: 2001-2003

music archive: Keyser Soze.zip (16Kb)
downloads 1142
tracks 10

articles 0

messages 0

16 September 2007
ZXTunes Player v1.1

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PLAY LIST     sort by   year    rating    playings tunes 10

Gothiq1_5.pt3 - duktinjus_zetnot - .atlantis chill. 2:02 829
schoolas.pt3 - .duktin.songaboutalittlegirl - .olderly.skoolas.4.ascii_o3.o3o3 2:54 853
Skies in rave.pt3 2:13 858
demo_mus.pt3 - .duktin.spl.4.demichron 16oct02 - 'Hawabanga: let's war begin!' 3:46 841
Gothiq1_3.pt3 - by duktinjus//Colour of Magic :) - Der Frei under herz../14.10.02.. 1:28 849
Gothiq1_4.pt3 - duktine//18:07...........zeitnot - "dale doich motion" =) 04_nov_02 4:27 836
Gothiq1_6.pt3 - duktinjus / 9november02 - 'i can fly!...check it out :)' 1:49 831
envelope.pt3 - Keyser Soze from Colour of Magik - Enveloped dreams(party version) 2:51 834
Groundscape soul.pt3 2:53 858
SunnyDay.pt3 - Kyser Soze from Colour of Magik - The One Sunny Day 1:48 842

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