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Ziutek (Andrzej Siuda) - tunes


name: Andrzej Siuda
group: ESI

location: Torun, Poland
specialization: music

activity: 1990-1993

music archive: Ziutek.zip (69Kb)
downloads 2865
tracks 33

articles 1

messages 10

10 December 2010
ZXTunes Player v1.1

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PLAY LIST     sort by   year    rating    playings tunes 33

Shock1.vtx - Ziutek of ESI - Part I 1:43 2102
Shock2.stc 4:16 2086
Shock3.stc 3:51 2113
Shock4.stc 2:19 2058
Shock5.vtx - Ziutek of ESI - Part V 3:12 2165
Shock6.stc 2:42 2088
Shock7.stc - E.S.I. 4:11 2200
Shock8.stc 1:48 2016
LyraII1.vtx - Ziutek of ESI - Part I 0:47 2031
LyraII2.stc 5:38 2152
LyraII3.stc - E.S.I. 2:44 2136
LyraII4.stc 6:01 3811
LyraII5.stc 4:22 1986
LyraII6.stc - E.S.I. 1:10 2028
LyraII7.ay - Part 7 Digital: 'Iron Maiden' 0:55 2223
LyraII8.stc 2:49 2220
LyraII9.vtx - Ziutek of ESI - Part IX 2:26 1942
BILIN3.stc 5:14 1884
BILINS.stc 4:22 1935
GOODLUCK.stc - (c)GEB-Soft 1995 5:35 1976
IT_IS.stc 3:36 1897
Kaz_6.vtx - Ziutek - Kaz 6 15:03 1953
Logo Game Over.stc - ZIUTEK 0:08 1908
PARADISE.stc 2:33 1897
ziutek - unlimited spirits.stc 6:32 2028
Ziutek.stc - ZIUTEK 1:49 2027
ziutek1.stc - ZIUTEK 1:49 1955
ziutek2.stc - ZIUTEK 4:22 1902
ziutek3.stc - ZIUTEK 5:14 1884
ziutek4.stc - ZIUTEK 0:08 1866
ziutek5.stc - F.COLLINS/ZIUTEK 2:33 1838
ziutek6.stc - P.COLLINS/ZIUTEK 5:35 1862
ziutek7.stc - P.COLLINS/ZIUTEK 3:36 1803

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