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Sound Images () - tunes

Sound Images


specialization: music

activity: 1989-1992

music archive: Sound Images.zip (30Kb)
downloads 1469
tracks 8

articles 0

messages 0

16 September 2007
ZXTunes Player v1.1

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PLAY LIST     sort by   year    rating    playings tunes 8

Robocop 3_10.ay - Robocop 3 0:10 781
Robocop 3_2.ay - Robocop 3 0:18 771
Robocop 3_3.ay - Robocop 3 0:31 741
Robocop 3_4.ay - Robocop 3 0:57 766
Robocop 3_5.ay - Robocop 3 0:47 743
Robocop 3_6.ay - Robocop 3 0:57 771
Robocop 3_7.ay - Robocop 3 1:02 765
Robocop 3_8.ay - Robocop 3 0:31 746
Robocop 3_9.ay - Robocop 3 0:31 757
Robocop 3.ay - Robocop 3 3:38 2390
Smash Tv_2.ay - Smash TV 0:59 731
Smash Tv.ay - Smash TV 5:44 1220
Swiv_2.ay - SWIV 2:54 748
Swiv.ay - SWIV 2:50 1282
Viz The Computer Game_2.ay - VIZ The Computer Game - Choose Your Player (AY) 0:03 713
Viz The Computer Game_3.ay - VIZ The Computer Game - Training (AY) 0:31 710
Viz The Computer Game_4.ay - VIZ The Computer Game - In Game 1 (AY) 0:31 704
Viz The Computer Game_5.ay - VIZ The Computer Game - In Game 2 (AY) 0:42 724
Viz The Computer Game_6.ay - VIZ The Computer Game - In Game 3 (AY) 0:47 708
Viz The Computer Game_7.ay - VIZ The Computer Game - In Game 4 (AY) 0:47 725
Viz The Computer Game_8.ay - VIZ The Computer Game - In Game 5 (AY) 0:31 735
Viz The Computer Game_9.ay - VIZ The Computer Game - Game Over (AY) 0:04 741
Viz The Computer Game.ay - VIZ The Computer Game - Main Menu (AY) 2:00 1156
Destiny Mission.ay - Destiny Mission - Title (AY) 2:28 1228
Golden Axe_2.ay - Golden Axe (128k ?) 1:30 786
Golden Axe_3.ay - Golden Axe (48k Title) 1:30 758
Golden Axe_4.ay - Golden Axe (48k ?) 1:30 798
Golden Axe.ay - Golden Axe (128k Title) 4:21 2575
Narc.ay - NARC 1:23 1221
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles.ay - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Title (Beeper) 1:36 1128

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