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Cooper (Viktor Romanchenko) - tunes


name: Viktor Romanchenko
group: Smash HB
others members: Oleg

location: Simferopol, Ukraine
specialization: music, code

activity: 1995-1997

site: fc-jungle.com

music archive: Cooper.zip (113Kb)
downloads 1742
tracks 87

articles 0

messages 3

27 March 2008
ZXTunes Player v1.1

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PLAY LIST     sort by   year    rating    playings tunes 87

APPROX.pt2 - Approximation/COOPER/SHB/24297 1:02 1311
BEERFULL.pt2 - BEERFULL KATE/COOPER/26051997 0:20 1396
BIRTHDAY.pt2 - The BIRTHDAY/COOPER/SHB/120597 0:40 1434
BLUE.pt2 - Refucked by COOPER/SMASH/24297 0:26 1351
cooper.pt2 - SLIGHT_MAD/COOPER/SHB/ASM16397 0:58 1362
cooper1.pt2 - MEGAMIX-1 /COOPER/SMASH/230897 3:16 1360
cooper2.pt2 - I don't know name/COOPER/25897 0:48 1350
DAMN_IT!.pt2 - Damn it !!!/COOPER/(40%)/13297 1:17 1317
DEPLOY.pt2 - Deploy-1/COOPER/SMASH HB/08397 1:26 1280
DEPLOY'2.pt2 - Deploy'2/COOPER/SMASH HB/08397 1:24 1341
DRAGON'S.pt2 - Dragon's/COOPER/SMASH/02011997 1:49 1292
DRUNKTEC.pt2 - Drunk Techno/COOPER/SHB/180397 2:11 1351
EAST_17.pt2 - "East 17"/COOPER/Beer10%/07197 1:43 1326
ETHANOL.pt2 - Ethanolium / COOPER / 110597 1:11 2627
FANTOM-1.pt2 - FANTOM-1/COOPER/SMASH/02071997 0:58 1319
FANTOM-2.pt2 - MY FANTOM2-2/COOPER/SHB/160797 2:23 1325
FANTOM-3.pt2 - The Third FANTOM/COOPER/210797 0:50 1331
FANTOM-4.pt2 - FANTOM NUMBER 4/COOPER/310797 1:25 1347
FANTOM-5.pt2 - The latest FaNtOm/COOPER/80897 1:28 1280
FLUCTUAT.pt2 - Fluctuation/COOPER/SMASH/04697 1:11 1297
FORM8_26.pt2 - $M0KEiN8RAiNK00PER/$h8/A$M5497 1:43 1321
HANGOVER.pt2 - The HANGOVER /COOPER/15021997 0:52 1315
LFM-2.pt2 - LFM>2/ENL'97/COOPER/SHB/160797 1:28 1339
LFM.pt2 - 'Life for music'/COOPER/140197 1:17 1309
LOVEM'2.pt2 - LOVE-IT'S MADNESS/COOPER/80297 3:53 1294
MAD.pt2 - Slightly Mad/COOPER/SHB/160397 0:58 1345
MEDLEY.pt2 - The MEDLEY/COOPER/SMASH/110297 1:12 1328
METHANOL.pt2 - METANOL 4 BRAINZ/COOPER/300697 1:49 1318
MOVE_IT.pt2 - Move it !!!/COOPER/SHB/170397 1:11 1315
MY_MIND.pt2 - My Mind ! /COOPER/SMASH/300697 1:10 1343
MYSTERY.pt2 - Mystery /COOPER/SMASH/100297 0:52 1345
NEVER_!.pt2 - Never Mind ! /COOPER/13021997 1:36 1309
NEW_YEAR.pt2 - New Year SPECIAL/COOPER/050197 1:24 1315
PENETR.pt2 - Penetrate /COOPER/SHB/200297 1:04 1297
PRODIGY.pt2 - The PRODIGY/COOPER/SHB/240297 0:58 1373
PRODUCT.pt2 - SMASH productions/COOPER/20597 0:11 1317
PROJECT.pt2 - Project-412/COOPER/'SHB/150497 1:40 1307
PUB.pt2 - Pub and Drugs/COOPER/SHB/12297 1:24 1299
SEQUEN.pt2 - The SEQUENCE/COOPER/SHB/070597 1:27 1312
SMOKE.pt2 - SmokeInTheBrain!/COOPER/050497 1:43 1358
STEP_IN.pt2 - Step Inside/COOPER/SHB/100697 1:48 1337
STRESS.pt2 - The calm stress/COOPER/110297 1:02 1407
SUPPER~1.pt2 - REST NOW !!! /COOPER/SHB/15897 1:49 1332
T_A_Y.pt2 - ThinkAboutYou/COOPER/SH/070497 1:13 1307
THEME.pt2 - COOPER'S CRAZY THEME / 140397 1:30 1334
TO_M_G.pt2 - DED. TO MAYA G. BY COOPER/7297 1:04 1390
W___S.pt2 - What ? SUmmER ??/COOPER/130897 1:24 1317
BREESE.pt2 - BREESE /COOPER/SMASH/201196 2:51 1286
BYE.pt2 - Good Bye /COOPER/SMASH/150596 2:49 2516
CYBER_2.pt2 - COUNTDOWN/COOPER/SMASH/181296 1:36 1314
DEL_2_1.pt2 - "DEL 2.1" /COOOPER/SMASH/??96 2:43 1258
DEL_2_2.pt2 - "DEL 2.2" /COOPER/SMASH/??96 1:56 1295
DEL_2_3.pt2 - "DEL 2.3" /COOPER/SMASH/??96 4:09 1273
DEL_2_4.pt2 - "DEL 2.4" /COOPER/SMASH/??96 4:29 1250
DEL_2_6.pt2 - "DEL 2.6" /COOPER/SMASH/??96 4:39 1273
DEL_2_7.pt2 - Techno Ritm /COOPER/SMASH/?96 3:54 1228
DELIGHT.pt2 - The DELIGHT /COOPER/SHB/130596 3:37 1353
DESTINY.pt2 - DESTINY /COOPER/SMASH/070696 1:53 1359
DREAM.pt2 - DREAM /COOPER/SMASH/170596 1:40 1276
DRIVING.pt2 - DRIVING /COOPER/SMASH/110696 2:09 1291
DUCKS.pt2 - Remixed by COOPER/SMASH/150696 0:47 1282
ECLAT.pt2 - 'ECLAT'/Cooper/PREMIER./100896 2:51 1250
EXAMINE.pt2 - EXAMINE /COOPER/SMASH/130696 2:08 1262
EXTAS BY VICTOR 1996.stc 6:24 1298
FORM7_1.pt2 - BeerDream/COOPER/SMASH/151296 2:00 1283
ILLUSION.pt2 - Illusions/COOPER/SMASH!/211296 1:40 1300
KEEP_OFF.pt2 - Keep Off /COOPER/SMASH/191196 3:00 1262
LIGHTWAY.pt2 - LIGHTWAY /COOPER/SMASH/031296 2:03 1245
LUCKY.pt2 - LUCKY /COOPER/SMASH/120596 6:12 1273
MADNESS.pt2 - MADNESS /COOPER/SMASH/13596 3:32 1232
MIRAGE.pt2 - MIRAGE /COOPER/SMASH/240596 3:06 1169
MOON.pt2 - MOONLIGHT/COOPER/SMASH/141296 1:43 1198
OVERSCAN.pt2 - OVERSCAN /COOPER/SMASH/270896 1:56 1188
RELAX.pt2 - RELAX /COOPER/SMASH/100696 2:02 1194
SHADE.pt2 - SHADE /COOPER/SMASH/290596 2:52 1211
SILICONS.pt2 - SILICONS /COOPER/SMASH/130896 2:09 1196
SIMPLEX1.pt2 - SIMPLEX1 /COOPER/SMASH/280896 2:08 1201
SIMPLEX2.pt2 - SIMPLEX2 /COOPER/SMASH/280896 0:30 1176
SPACE.pt2 - "SPACE"/COOPER/Premier/ 280996 2:34 1234
SPEED BY VICTOR 1996.stc 4:06 1163
STARS.pt2 - STARS /COOPER/SMASH/250996 2:05 1163
STICKS.pt2 - STICKS /COOPER/SMASH/191196 1:24 1189
STYLE.pt2 - COOPER in NORO style / 151296 2:21 1556
SUMMER.pt2 - SUMMER! /COOPER/SMASH/120696 2:08 1139
THE_FLY.pt2 - The Fly /COOPER/SMASH/080696 2:42 1258
THESUS.pt2 - Thesus remix by COOPER/?????95 0:31 1206

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