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Jerrs (Stanislav Zarubin) - tunes


name: Stanislav Zarubin

location: Ekaterinburg, Russia
specialization: music

activity: 2005-2010

icq: status 296993286

music archive: Jerrs.zip (76Kb)
downloads 1585
tracks 58

articles 0

messages 0

21 March 2008
ZXTunes Player v1.1

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PLAY LIST     sort by   year    rating    playings tunes 58

africa.pt3 - JeRrS - Africa 3:00 1180
before.pt3 - JeRrS - Before Death 2:34 1169
blablabla.pt3 - JeRrS - GiGi Dagostino - Bla Bla Bla 3:12 1142
blue.pt3 - JeRrS - Blue 2:34 1076
equinoxe2.pt3 - JeRrS And Jean Michael Jarre - Equinoxe 2 3:15 1149
explain.pt3 - JeRrS - It Imposible Explain 2:23 1097
Falling.pt3 - JeRrS - Falling Star 3:25 1127
fantasy.pt3 - JeRrS - Fantasy of love 2:11 1203
flydream.pt3 - JeRrS - Flying In Dreams 3:41 1092
ijustcalltosayiloveyou.pt3 - JeRrS - I Just Call To Say I Love You 3:24 1167
iwillboredwithoutyou.pt3 - JeRrS - I Will Bored Without You 2:35 1089
megamix.vtx - Бермудский Треугольник - MegaMix 3:25 1148
poorleno.pt3 - JeRrS - RoykSopp - Poor Leno 3:51 1149
Red.pt3 - JeRrS - Red Light 2:57 1075
Roland.pt3 - JeRrS - Roland 3:27 1136
shesay.pt3 - JeRrS - She say "I Love You" 2:19 1079
shesay.vtx - JeRrS - She say "I Love You" 2:19 1125
swoboda.vtx - Бермудский Треугольник - Свобода 3:12 1141
tell.vtx - JeRrS - Tell Me Your Name 2:11 1070
wantdance.pt3 - JeRrS - Want dance with me? 1:58 1136
white2.pt3 - Forum - White Night by JeRrS 3:56 1045
without.pt3 - JeRrS - I Can't Without You 3:12 1057
wselennaya.vtx - Бермудский Треугольник - Сквозь вселенную 3:36 1117
autumn.vtx - Бермудский Треугольник - Осенний Дождь ( JeRrS :=) 2:49 1034
benny.vtx - Benny Hill - Main Theme By JeRrS 0:47 1148
dance.vtx - **JeRrS** - Dance_memory_zx_spectrum 2:28 1061
Dreams.vtx - JerrS - Dreams Of Dream 2:03 1036
exit.vtx - JeRrS - Exit 2:53 1018
funny.vtx - $-jerrs-$ - :=) funny :=) 2:19 1032
gamme2.vtx - =JeRrS - kpa3game 2:02 1044
hardtime.vtx - Бермудский Треугольник - Тяжелые Времена (MIX by JeRrS) 2:35 1107
i_like_zx.vtx - -=JeRrS=-_2005(c)___ - !!!I_LiKe_Zx_SpEcTrUm_??? 0:57 1043
ImFlying.vtx - F l y i n g - J e R r S 3:07 1073
iwanttobreakfree.pt3 - Queen And JeRrS - I Want To Break Free 2:35 1147
John.vtx - Jonn Lenon - jeales Guy - This Song Make JeRrS 1:40 1001
komunal.vtx - dyna_komunalnaya - kwartira_(edit by jerrs) 1:54 1059
Life.vtx - /JeRrS\_special for - Zx-life 2:03 1040
Life2.vtx - ^^^JeRrS^^^ - %%%ZX-Life%%% 2:07 1021
love.vtx - {\/} JeRrS - L O V E {\/} 1:56 1032
module5.vtx - Бермудский Треугольник - Module № 5 2:38 1053
MyFriend.pt3 - JeRrS - My Friend! 2:31 1043
newgame.vtx - JeRrS - New Game? [Y/N]_ 1:11 1017
noname.vtx - {JeRrS} - [N-o-N-a-M-e] 2:34 1020
pc_shit.vtx - ++JERRS++_/PC-SHIT\_ - (c)_2005!!!_++ 1:05 1026
Real.pt3 - JeRrS - Searching Real Love 2:11 1094
Run.vtx - ...JeRrS - Dont'T Stop Please Run & Run... 2:28 1025
samsung.pt3 - Samsung Electronics - Vtx Version by JeRrS 1:12 1037
scream.vtx - _jerrs - __scream__2005(c) 2:38 1012
setritm.vtx - Бермудский Треугольник - Set Ritm 2:59 1044
SHITT.vtx - J_e_R_r_S - S_H_I_T 1:11 1032
SpaceRaiders.vtx - JeRrS - Space Raiders -Short Song (1:03) 1:02 1050
spectrum.vtx - JeRrS - SpEcTrUm 0:48 1055
unknow_reality.vtx - Бермудский Треугольник - Неопознанная Реальность 2:39 1025
why.pt3 - JeRrS - Why You Not Dance 2:23 1063
winter.pt3 - JeRrS - Around the winter 3:29 996
ymls.vtx - _JeRrS - you_must_love_zx 1:50 1035
zx_forever.vtx - _JeRrS_ - _zx-forever_(thks2_SG)_2005(c) 1:52 1037
zxfiles.vtx - (c)JerrS_ - _zx-files__2005(c) 1:49 1023

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